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#kerala #kathakalidance +kathakali dance in kerala #kathakalidancefacts +southindiadanceforms +south indian dance forms

10 Interesting facts about Kathakali Dance in KERALA

India is a land of traditional dance forms, art forms, weaving techniques, printing techniques and a lot more. Some of these are hundreds of years old. Some of these existed even before there was any proper human civilisation. Each state has it’s own specific tradition, culture, customs, classical dance and art forms. The Kathakali dance …

My Ultimate Travel Itinerary to God’s Own Country, Kerala- PART 1

Travelling is all about passion, dreams and desires and I have a dream to travel the whole world. But before I do so, I have decided that first I shall start with my own motherland, India. India is a storehouse of some magical places, it has all from beaches to plains, deserts, enchanting forests, flaura …