It’s just at the eleventh hour that I got the information about the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge from my mentor Puspanjalee Das Dutta just after she updated her Facebook page sharing the information with her co-bloggers. The challenge is organised by BlogChatter. In this challenge all the blogger needs to do is write 26 posts starting from the 1st of April, excluding Sundays and the post’s topic should go alphabetically. Blog Chatter has given a calendar to follow that will help bloggers to keep their posts going without any confusion.
Well it is my first year and I am very excited to participate. I sat in front of my laptop the whole day and read tons of blogs and articles on this challenge and how my fellow bloggers have participated and made the best use of it. They have set a landmark. It gave me a lot of inspiration and courage to take on the challenge.
I have decided that my theme will be relevant to my blog. It will be something related.My theme for the AtoZ Challenge, 2018 will be Travelling and Food.
I shall share my travelling experiences and how it has changed my life. Some of my posts will be about best places to stay and visi, how to travel with kids or topics related to a solo tri and some tips for travelling on a budget.
I have also selected Food, food that I love to eat and make. There will be short recipe posts and also about food that I love to eat and have tasted during my journeys. There will be posts on my favourite restaurants and also about my love for Momo and some stories behind them.
So I am very excited and hope you are too.I have made a rough plan in my mind about how will I start, it’s the time to execute my plan into action. I just hope I knew about it a little earlier but as the saying goes “It’s Better late than never”. Let’s just begin the journey with lots of positive feelings and hope. It’s something absolutely new in my blogging world. Hope to get encouragement and love from you all. Keep watching this space.
I am creating a seperate Category for this challenge as it will help you all to stay updated. You can follow all my social media handles to read my posts. Keeping my finger’s crossed and Wishing Good Luck to all my fellow blogger participants in this blogging challenge, may we all succeed.