Every time lots of questions are asked to me about my blogging journey and how I keep a balance between my blogging and my professional life. Being a full-time teacher working in a government school, carrying on with my love to travel, blogging about my journeys and experiences, and then maintaining a balance between all three is definitely not an easy task. I also have to look after my family, their needs, and their requirements. I have decided to answer a few questions that are often being asked to me. Without much ado lets just begin-

1. Why did I choose Travel writing?

Travel writing excites me, I love traveling, exploring different places, meeting new people and then why to keep it limited to myself. Writing is the best way to share our knowledge and experiences with others. In this process, we get to learn a lot of things as learning is always a two-way process.

2. How do you balance work and traveling?

This is the most difficult question I feel that my readers and friends ask me. My work makes me move out at the morning 8 A.M and return at 4.30 P.M. After that I take some rest, read a book and from 8 P.M I sit to write my blog. Every day I write, I keep my drafts ready. But sometimes when it gets too tough to manage that I just take my time off as writing cannot be done forcibly and under pressure. For me writing always come naturally and with a free-spirited mind. When it comes to traveling I make my plans just when I receive my yearly Calender at the beginning of a year. I single out holidays slot, weekend slots and then sit and make a plan of the places which I can visit on those holidays. If I have to do some work as I travel, then I need to make sure I am able to do it efficiently, which means investing in some good technology that can help me as I work. 

3. How do I plan my weekend trips?

Most of my weekend trips are centered around Guwahati. If you intend to return the same day we chose the near destination like Meghalaya. There are lots of places in Meghalaya that I am yet to visit, actually, you can spend your whole life exploring beautiful locations in Meghalaya. We also visit nearby resorts to spend a day with my family.

4. Do I select luxury hotels or budget ones?

No, I never select luxury hotels at least till. I prefer traveling on a budget. I need to save money for my next trip. Luxury travel is everyone’s dream! In my case, if I spend all my money on luxury staying then I guess it will be difficult for me to maintain other expenses. When I intend to get the hospitality of a luxury hotel in my own city I just go there for may a day, spend the time resting and eating and come back home.

5. How often do I travel?

That is never certain. Although, it is usually whenever I can get holidays or leave, so long as we plan our time well. I, along with my partner in crime, my husband, will go out on these trips. Some months we are able to take a trip every alternate weekend, or several months can roll by without taking one at all because we are so busy that it is hard to find the time for retail therapy. But this will all depend on whether we can get the time off.

6. How do I manage my expenses for traveling?

Since I have a fixed job I do get a salary and with the money, I quench my thirst for travel. My husband arranges the maximum part and I contribute. After all our savings we spend the remaining money for traveling and other expenses. So we always prefer traveling on a budget so that we can explore maximum places within the limited budget.

#travelblogging #travelling #guwahatiblogger

That was all for this time, will get back with the questions and answers soon with a different post. I want my readers to know all about me. I love when I am asked questions like these, I feel connected and it gives me pleasure to think that in this world there are people who want to know about me and that’s enough to bring a smile on my face.


About Author

Ishani Nath, is a full time teacher and a passionate Blogger. She loves to write. With a classic taste in Fashion, a foodie and a bookworm she is happy in her own way. She loves travelling, gain knowledge and spread it to the world. A die hard handloom lover she also loves to adorn anything and everything handmade or handwoven.

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