Pomfret fish is one of my favorite fish. I like it in curry, steamed or bhapa as we say in Bengali or the fried ones. You can serve crispy fried Pomfret as an appetizer or with the main course. It was 6th August, 2017 celebrated as Friendships Day and as always the restaurants would be crowded and I was least interested to stand in a queue.So I thought instead of going out why not enjoy good home made food. It was sheer coincidence that my husband had the same thoughts and he bought these fresh Pomfret fish from the market. So what else I need, it was crispy fried Pomfret that came to my mind as soon as I saw the fish.
Fish is always my first love. Being born and brought up in a Bengali family it’s like I was born to eat fish, my father used to love eating fish. I still remember how it was almost a routine for me and my elder sister to visit the market every Sunday with him and buy fishes from the local market. Since quite an early age my father used to take us with him as he believed we should have proper knowledge about what we are eat. And so even after he passed away we have kept that trend alive to visit the fish market and buy the fish we want to eat. Though due to our busy lives it’s not possible to frequent the market but we make sure to visit whenever we have time.
Generally, in every household you can see a girl learn the basics of cooking from their mother or grandfather. But it was a little different in my case. I was not much interested in cooking or other domestic work, while my sister was just the opposite she is an expert cook since she was fourteen. My father was very interested in cooking and he used to tell me at least I should know how to make a cup of tea. He was so fed up that one day he taught me to make tea himself, I made the first cup of tea in my life with my dad and now when he is no more with us, each time when I make tea it drifts me back to those old days. My father was an excellent cook and I always said my sister inherited this quality from him. Be it Sorshe Ilish, any kind of Bhapa fish (steamed fish),masala chicken, mutton curry, dry fish chutneys, my father just created magic. He also loved Sea-Food, which my mom and sister hate I don’t know for what reasons. Thus I say I inherited my love for sea food from him. He used to make very tasty dishes of marine prawns, crabs, pomfret etc. Here I have come up with a very simple crispy fried pomfret which I remember my dad used to make for me on holidays.
How to make Crispy Fried Pomfret in a few easy steps?
 Recipe To Make Crispy Fried Pomfret Follows:
Pomfret Fish, I took two fishes.
Turmeric powder, Red Chilly Powder, Coriander powder, Cumin powder- 1tp
Asafoetida (Hing) – A pinch
Ginger, garlic paste- 1tp each
Green chilly paste- according to your taste
Salt – according to your taste
Freshly cut juice of half a lemon
Gram Flour and Semolina for coating the fish before frying
Total cooking time- One Hour

Here I have taken two pomfret fishes, Â cleaned, the fins removed, chopped off the head part, make a slit on the sides and gashes on the fish. Clean it from inside and please be careful of the bones. Wash it and keep it aisde.
In a mixing bowl take the turmeric powder, cumin powder, red chilly powder, coriander powder, asafoetida, ginger garlic paste, green chilly paste, salt and squeeze in the juice of half a lemon , mix all the ingredients properly to a paste. The lemon juice will help to make the paste you need not add extra water. Take the fish one by apply, apply generously all over the fish, also put the paste inside the slit that you have made on the sides of the fish. Now let the fish to rest in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Next take a plate and make a mixture of gram flour(besan) and semolina(sooji) coat the fish on both sides with this mixture, dust off the extra mixture from the fish.Take a frying pan and fry the fishes one by one. You can shallow fry the fishes or deep fry according to your taste. Turn the sides, fry it till brown and crispy. Serve it hot with steamed rice, or enjoy it as a starter.

Hope you like it. Drop in your comments and please like and share with your friends and relatives.
I love the combo of spices! But i don’t think I’ve ever heard of pomfret here. Think I can substitute for a different fish?
Absolutely you can use any other fish with less bones! Marine fishes will be best.
This looks really tasty. I will give it a try!
Very interesting and looks absolutely delicious. Thanks for sharing. Keep it going
Do try making. thanks for going through.
Looks like a great recipe! I never had it before but I’m certainly willing to try it out !
Do try it, it can also be eaten as a good starter.
🙂 thank you very much for the easy tips.
Do try it at home.