From the beginning right from the month of January last year in 2017 it had been quite eventful for me. By the time it was March I had already traveled to three places. I was in my own happy realm. Throughout the whole year, I was traveling a lot, you can see my all my journeys taken a year on this link HERE. Whether be it road trips, weekend getaways, small family outings to nearby places I hardly had time for doing other things.

But this year I wanted to devote some more time in one of my favorite things which are reading. I love to read a lot, it may be a book or something interest on the net. But reading is always my happy dose. One thing that I always love reading for quite a long time, I exactly don’t remember since when are Blogs. There are certain blogs I love to follow. Obviously, most of them are travel blogs or food blogs. I don’t find fashion blogs these days as most are only filled with endorsements of this brand or the other. It’s like watching TV commercials. So let’s just begin with three of my most favorite blogs which I follow and I have found very helpful:-

#blogging #favoriteblogs #travelblogs #foodblogs

List of Travel Blogs I admire


The couple travel bloggers Vid and Savi possible took the internet by storm with their famous travel blog Bruised Passport. From their candid photographs to their detailed blog posts to the exotic locations they travel to, to how they manage their lives while traveling so much really attracts me. It was quite long back some maybe two years ago when I started following their Instagram page and I was like amazed at their journey throughout the whole world. Ever since I have been following their blog quite a lot. Their latest trip to Iceland is now currently on my bucket list. You can visit their blog HERE 


This is one blog that has actually raised my interest in cooking. I was not into so much of cooking but the way Sandeepa Mukherjee Datta the curator of this blog creates magic by associating all her recipes with an interesting story that are related to each other in some way. The unique way she describes each of the recipes and how it was handed over to her either by her maa or grandma and how she has taken the charge to preserve and carry it forward to the generations coming ahead. Most of her Bengali dishes are prepared in my house as I am also a bong and yet when I eat them in some way I can relate to her tales. You can read her blog HERE


Yet another powerful woman who gave up her home, sold most of her possessions and embraced a nomadic life as she says herself in her blog The Shooting Star. Shivya Nath the travel blogger I am talking about. Her journey intrigues me to know more what lies beyond our comfort zone. She has been traveling all solo and that is what has taught her to challenge the existing norms of the society, she has quit the city life for a nomadic way of life. Her blog is full of inspiration of how we can create our own world, create our belief and stick to it. There is so much we can learn and boost ourselves to push our boundaries and seek within. You can read her blog HERE

That was a lot, there are few more blogs that I follow to seek inspiration, travel ideas, plan my itinerary, etc. But above all one thing that really appeals to me is about their consistency. They know their goal and are so focused. Being a blogger sometimes I face a lot of challenges but these blogs help me to overcome those challenges and step ahead as Shivya Nath in one of her posts says that no matter where we are what matters the most is where we are heading to. 

Hope you like it, do let me know your favorite blogs and why do you like it. Thanks!!

About Author

Ishani Nath, is a full time teacher and a passionate Blogger. She loves to write. With a classic taste in Fashion, a foodie and a bookworm she is happy in her own way. She loves travelling, gain knowledge and spread it to the world. A die hard handloom lover she also loves to adorn anything and everything handmade or handwoven.


  1. avatar

    Will definitely get some time to go through these blogs.

    1. avatar

      I am sure you will like them.

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