It was a normal Wednesday night and I was sitting on my laptop reading some articles when suddenly I got a notification on Facebook by my Blogging coach Puspanjalee Das Dutta. The notification was about a blogging challenge conducted by Blogchatter in Twitter. It was quite a long time since I was following Blog Chatter on Twitter but somehow I missed the update about the Challenge.

The challenge sounded very difficult,- 26 Blog post and each with the 26 alphabets of English Language sounded like a mammoth task for me. It was already 28th March and I had just three days to begin. Whereas some of my co-bloggers would have started preparing a month or two ahead. Still, Puspanjalee ba (as “didi” in Assamese is called “ba”) inspired me to join and she said,”You would be so glad by the end that you have joined”. It was a do or die kind of situation for me and I decided to do it rather than regret later. So this is how the journey began.

My theme was Travel and Food and I am so glad that I could maintain and stick to the theme so firmly. The topics and articles came on spontaneously. I am a full-time teacher, I came back home at 4.30, took some rest and sat down with my laptop. In between I also attended Manas Spring Festival for two days, then came Bihu and Poila Boisakh, I also had to visit Dibrugarh for some work. Amidst all other work, my post was always in time.

I would like to Thanks Blogchatter A2Z for teaching me the following – 

  • Time- Management

One thing that the BlogChatter A2Z Challenge taught me was time-management. I learnt how to properly manage the time I have in my hand and how to devote it properly. I was multi-tasking by the time I reached mid-April It was a thrilling experience.My blog-traffic started increasing like it had never before. I got lots of appreciation from my fellow bloggers and participants.

  • Knowledge and Information

I also got a chance to read some of the best blogs, see how beautifully they have penned down their articles. I like cooking so interesting cooking recipes caught my attention. There was a vast sea of knowledge and information everywhere.It was a great initiative on the part of Blogchatter to organize this challenge and I have decided that even next year I am going to participate in this challenge. I made new friends, learnt a lot from them. The daily tweet and re-tweet activity opened up many doors to new blogs which are the storehouse of information. I came across a blog by Seema Mishra  her illustrations are something you should see. 

  • Self-Confidence

This challenge has boosted my confidence that there is nothing called as “Impossible” and Impossible itself says- I -am – Possible. There is nothing that I cannot do, all I need is courage and self-confidence. Once determined I have to do it and I can’t look back. I may fall, get weak but gain courage and confidence and move ahead.

    Thanks to Blogchatter for giving me this opportunity to come out of my comfort zone and take up this challenge. I am so glad that I took part and thankful to each and everyone who encouraged me to keep on going. Also, my readers who appreciated my work. If you haven’t yet read my posts from the A2Z challenge than you can read them in the link I am giving below or you can go to the category BLOGCHATTER A2Z 2018. 

About Author

Ishani Nath, is a full time teacher and a passionate Blogger. She loves to write. With a classic taste in Fashion, a foodie and a bookworm she is happy in her own way. She loves travelling, gain knowledge and spread it to the world. A die hard handloom lover she also loves to adorn anything and everything handmade or handwoven.


  1. avatar

    Thanks, Ishani for mentioning my illustrations. Like you, I have also felt that this challenge has made me more confident and disciplined as a writer. I have a learnt a lot and am still going back and catching up on all those posts that I missed during the April craze!

    All the best, for your future blogging.

    1. avatar

      Same with me. I mean it I am loving your illustrations.

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